Artist : ermhoi
Cat No : SVTP-003
Release Date : Dec 16th 2015
Format : CD/Digital
Recorded by : ermhoi
Mixed by : BATIC
Mastering by : Chihei Hatakeyama
Artwork : Asako & ermhoi
Track List
1. Call South Shofar
2. Second Thought
3. Glamorous R
4. Why?
5. I’ll never
6. Deets
7. The Third Eye■ Junior Refugee Lyrics download link
Erin, the singer and trumpeter with the Jazz band Mr. Elephants will finally release a solo album under the name “ermhoi”. Earlier in the year, showcasing Erin’s vocal sense, the band held a sell-out concert at the Ropppongi live house Super Deluxe – a venue described by Time magazine as being “the best place to enjoy avant-garde music in Asia”. In this album she has searched deep inside herself, and found her individuality through the fusion of indie rock, electronica, jazz and ambient music. In fact, all the music that has been familiar to her since her childhood in Japan, where she was born and raised by her Japanese father and Irish mother.
Her voice echoes an innocence and an artistic sense, reminding one of Bjork or Joanna Newsom. The reliable song-writing skills, honed from her Jazz background, support and elevate this album. “Why” a song that showed us the sublime collaboration with her music and video achieved 3,500 immediate hits when it appeared on Youtube. “Second Thought” is infused with a northern ambiance. The tight rap of “I’ll Never” manages to be both piquant and cute at the same time. “Deets” slowly creeps up on you and surprises you with it’s melody and tempo. Her songs prove her intense talent and originality, attracting people from every genre. The diversity of music that “ermhoi” has absorbed so far, sparkles on this album and she delivers her songs in a sweet and often fearless way.
The Tokyo based Web magazine “Sign Magazine” has described her as “More active than Julia Holter, lighter than Laurel Halo and more idyllic and dreamy than FKA twigs”. This is an album about a happy encounter of true talent and an experimental spirit that easily crosses the borders of genre.
the sighn magazine weekly playlist Sep 11th 2015
OTOZINE Interview Dec 1st 2015
ermhoi初ソロ作品『Junior Refugee』 自由奔放にジャンルを超えた宅録サウンドの行き先
Tower Records Next Breakers:Dec 17th 2015
GISELe February issue 2016:Dec 26th 2015
Alternative Wavers Nov-Dec issue 2015 Best Ranking Dec 29th 2015
Mikiki 21th Jan 2016 :Jan 21th 2016
Strange Days issue #196 20th Jan 2016:Jan 22th 2016
Tsinoshi Bar Top Releases DICEMBRE ’15:Jan 14th 2015
Tower Records Online Rock&Pops Reccomend
Tower Records bounce #386 2016/1-2 :Dec 24th 2015
Music Video
director & editor: asako fujikura
camera: kie kamata
edit assistant: yoshihara hiroyuki

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dooonermhoi
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ermhoi
Official: none
1992年山梨県出身。昨年末の六本木スーパーデラックスでのワンマンには 100人以上の観客を動員するなど、若手再注目バンドとしても有名なジャズ ポップバンド「Mr.Elephants」の紅一点ヴォーカルとして活動中のエリンのソロ名義。幼少期より親しんできたジャズと洋楽インディーに裏打ちされた、 抜群のメロディセンスとピッチの良さは近年稀に見る逸材。トランペットの演奏もこなしながら、自身で打ち込みをベースに楽曲を制作するなど、 その才能はとどまるところを知らない。
2014年設立のファッションブランド「maison de F」のコレクション音楽も手がける。
Music Video
director & editor :asako fujikura
camera :kie kamata
edit assistant :yoshihara hiroyuki
Camera:Takeshi Awaya/Momoko Maejima/Kazuhiko Kumagai
edit:Kazuhiko Kumagai
Stream:Mansaku Ikeuchi
Sound:Tomoki Moriya
Supported by Red Bull Studios Tokyo
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